Sunday, 23 September 2012


I am away for 4 weeks so there is nothing for sale on ebay. Etsy has new items - some are for sale - smaller things but my internet access will be patchy. Any purchases will take a little longer in the post too. If you want to reserve something send me a message.

Just listed this lovely little pair of leather bound gilt edged books.

Friday, 21 September 2012

A Jane Austen Themed Package

Lottery is a game of chance not skill. The rule of this game are included in Hoyles Games of 1817:

The cards being shuffled and cut by the left hand person, one dealer gives every person a card, face down, for the prize, on which is to be placed different values of counters from the pool, at the option of the person to whom each card has been given.

The second dealer then delivers to each player from the other pack, a card for the ticket. Next the cards are turned, by order of the manager, and whoever happens to have a corresponding card takes the prize upon the card dealt to him and those remaining undrawn, are returned to the hand…..

Just the sort of game to engross Lydia, a girl not known for her towering intellect.

For gaming counters at Mrs Phillips’s Meryton home, we understand that the company used “fish”:

Elizabeth went away with her head full of him. She could think of nothing but of Mr. Wickham, and of what he had told her, all the way home; but there was not time for her even to mention his name as they went, for neither Lydia nor Mr. Collins were once silent. Lydia talked incessantly of lottery tickets, of the fish she had lost and the fish she had won; Mr. Collins, in describing the civility of Mr. and Mrs. Philips, protesting that he did not in the least regard his losses at whist, enumerating all the dishes at supper, and repeatedly fearing that he crowded his cousins, had more to say than he could well manage before the carriage stopped at Longbourn House.

(Chapter 16)

A George III 1806 half penny, 3 antique mother of pearl gaming fish [also can be used as a thread winder] probably mid 19th C Chinese, a small early 20th C red leather purse all wrapped up in a reproduction of a 1940s cover of Pride & Prejudice.

find on Etsy

Thursday, 13 September 2012

a vintage Chanel style jacket from Wallis

I am not allowed to call this jacket a Chanel style jacket in its title on eBay...but I can here. It is very clearly made by Wallis in the 1950s/60s. And it is very clearly influenced by Coco Chanel. Very Jackie , very Grace I suddenly think... I think it is very reasonable to say this is a vintage jacket in the style of. Lovely wool - pale pink silk lining, coppery chain to weight it, glass pearl buttons. Neat.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

American tan & perhaps some kitsch

kunert 1kunert 2


tudor rose 1

stockings not so sheer at the top from 1960s. traditional sheer from Tudor Rose.

04_08_2012 8169 pattern 204_08_2012 8174 pattern 1

two 1950s patterns, one unused and below a lovely 1950s man's summer shirt. textured a tight airtex.

50s shirt4

All on eBAY

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

1980s Crabtree & Evelyn

I spend so much time photographing and listing that the blog is falling behind. Still have the espadrills listed below. Coming up amongst other things some vintage 1980s Crabtree & Evelyn.
Old Damask Rose on eBay appearing later on the eveing of August 30th... One bath oil and one soap.

Monday, 13 August 2012

vintage & not so vintage

For the next 2 to 10 days on ebay - a selection of what is available

hot pinks, bright red. Nicely shaped dress - so often called a wiggle dress, but I do consider that item to be something dark and very tight: Marilyn Monroe in LBD
More subtle pretty 1950s and 1960s, in the cute, pretty range. Missing is an image of the hot pink 1960s evening gown.
A 1950s man's casual shirt.
And something more contemporary:
linen from Pou Nou a company based in Menorca; silk from Fenn Wright & Manson, long and full - so still a 1950s style going on here [where's my twin set and pearls?]. Secretary with pussy bow? Alexon Sportset blouse.

Monday, 6 August 2012

through the decades on ebay

LINK to all ebay listings

Through the 1950s to the 1970s [all ending 12th August] there is also a smart man's Harvie & Hudson shirt and some stockings...
two from St Michaels/Marks & Spencer! A nylon baby doll....

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Mini Moo & Moo stickers

31_07_2012 7876 tag31_07_2012 7863 tag
31_07_2012 7871 cardscards

cards and vintage luggage labels mixed with Moo stickers & minicards all at Etsy


A hand sewn stocking bag/pouch. Embroidered heavy linen. Hard to date  but would not be wrong to say 1930s - 1950s! Link to Etsy description & details

And something to go in it: vintage 1950s stockings on ebay
70s Mimi tights

Thursday, 26 July 2012

vintage 1950s

Continuing on a 1950s theme I have just added this leather Jane Shilton handbag to my Etsy listings - and it contains a Stratten lipstick holde with hinged mirror. Stylish Mad Men time - or even good with jeans...

yellow handbag

Update - purse found

Sold the lovely green 1950s summer jacket/shirt

50s green

book work

I have listed A Summer Diary - poetic prose with colour photographs and drawings for sale here

And Pride & Prejudice: Movement: Past, Present, Possible for sale here
Part of my work on Jane Austin
link to details of work
link to work performed at the Arnolfini in Bristol

summer diary in my new etsy shop

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

what's it all about?

I am using this blog to advertise my Etsy shop LINK HERE
And my ebay account LINK HERE

This will be a place for extra information...things might be a litle slow to start with...