Tuesday, 28 August 2012

1980s Crabtree & Evelyn

I spend so much time photographing and listing that the blog is falling behind. Still have the espadrills listed below. Coming up amongst other things some vintage 1980s Crabtree & Evelyn.
Old Damask Rose on eBay appearing later on the eveing of August 30th... One bath oil and one soap.

Monday, 13 August 2012

vintage & not so vintage

For the next 2 to 10 days on ebay - a selection of what is available

hot pinks, bright red. Nicely shaped dress - so often called a wiggle dress, but I do consider that item to be something dark and very tight: Marilyn Monroe in LBD
More subtle pretty 1950s and 1960s, in the cute, pretty range. Missing is an image of the hot pink 1960s evening gown.
A 1950s man's casual shirt.
And something more contemporary:
linen from Pou Nou a company based in Menorca; silk from Fenn Wright & Manson, long and full - so still a 1950s style going on here [where's my twin set and pearls?]. Secretary with pussy bow? Alexon Sportset blouse.

Monday, 6 August 2012

through the decades on ebay

LINK to all ebay listings

Through the 1950s to the 1970s [all ending 12th August] there is also a smart man's Harvie & Hudson shirt and some stockings...
two from St Michaels/Marks & Spencer! A nylon baby doll....

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Mini Moo & Moo stickers

31_07_2012 7876 tag31_07_2012 7863 tag
31_07_2012 7871 cardscards

cards and vintage luggage labels mixed with Moo stickers & minicards all at Etsy


A hand sewn stocking bag/pouch. Embroidered heavy linen. Hard to date  but would not be wrong to say 1930s - 1950s! Link to Etsy description & details

And something to go in it: vintage 1950s stockings on ebay
70s Mimi tights