Monday, 22 July 2013

black & white with a hint of domestic nostalgia

some photographic prints of a domestic nature - kitchenalia perhaps. Hand printed from films I processed myself. In the photographic section of The Incredible How's Etsy shop

three 7" x 5" including small border  one 6" x 2 1/2" [on 7" x 5" paper]

a lot of pink

It seems that I cannot get away from pink. I don't really like the pink for girls thing but I do like pink. It is somehow calming. And I like it mixed with green or with blue. But below are some very stand alone pink things. Silk pouches made from vintage kimono & haori jacket material and fabric flowers utilising very old fashioned 1950s nylon in the mix. SO a vintage pink selection

the bags are HERE there are more
the flowers are HERE and yes there are more flowers but not with vintage content